报告题目:Scale-down and Scale-up of Dielectric Polymer Films for Capacitors
报告人:谭启 教授
报告时间:2021年12月22日(星期三) 10:00
The miniaturization of electronic devices and the structural optimization of power systems put forward a strict size requirement for passive components such as capacitors. The thickness reduction and dielectric strength enhancement of polymer films become necessary and urgent measures for future technology development. The advance in dielectric properties using thinner films or nanodielectric composites leads to a higher capacitance densitv, less resource consumption, lightweight modules and systems. However, the dimensional scale-down inevitably challenges the stability of dielectric properties, the surface condition, scale-up processes, and their relationship with the film fabrication method. This talk primarily discusses: (1) the lessons of 2-decade dielectric development, (2) the influence of polymeric film thickness scale-down on the dielectric properties, (3) the scale-up processing of polymer film for industrial manufacturing, (4) the perspective of nanocomposite scale-down with low filler contents towards the enhanced dielectric properties.
广东以色列理工学院材料科学与工程系教授、副主任,广东省能量转换材料与技术重点实验室主任。1983-1989年就读于中国科学院固体物理研究所,并获硕士和博士学位,1993 年曾任中国科学技术大学物理系副教授。1998 年获伊利诺伊香宾分校博士学位,拥有20年的美国通用电气等大企业研发工作经验,从事非线性电介质纳米复合材料的研究。应美国国防部邀请,帮助建立并主持了美国国防部历史上首个高温高能量密度集成电容器项目,为美国能源部混合动力汽车项目创下了高温聚合物薄膜工业化制备的最薄纪录。目前研究兴趣涉及新能源功能复合材料和储能,电化学电池和超级电容器,隔膜与有机薄膜改性,压电与微波介质陶瓷。发表80篇学术论文,获得53项发明专利,曾获中国科学院自然科学一等奖和通用电气全球研究中心创新奖,为中国电子元器件关键材料与技术专委会资深委员。