| 书名 :Handbook of Nanoceramics and Their Based Nanodevices 编者 :T. Y. Tseng and H. S. Nalwa 出版社 :American Scientific Publishers 出版日期:In press 2006 编著了书中的一章,Microstucture, electronic, magnetic and thermoelectric properties of Nanoscaled Electroceramics, by T. Zhang, G. Q. Zhang, X. L. Lu, and X. G. Li. |

| 书名 :Studies of High Temperature Superconductors 编者 :Anant Narlikar 出版社 :Nova Science Publishers,New York 出版日期:2005 编著了书中的第五章,Preparation and Physical Properties of La2-xSrxCuO4Thin Films, by J. F. Qu, Y. Liu and X. G. Li. |